What if my heart stops beating in a minute
what if In a minute I struggle to do the one thing that never required rational or energy,
what if in that minute, amidst my regular routine,
my heart starts beating too slow and air almost difficult to inhale,
what if in a minute while I struggle to catch my breath,
I see malikal mawt, ready to take my soul from my body as I stare back helpless.
What would I be thinking? Whilst I watch as my soul is taking out of my body?
As my soul leaves my body, my heart stops beating, in a minute
what if..
What then would I be thinking at that moment, when I stare back helpless and powerless ?
I would wish for power over my life, I would wish I was in control, that I wasn't so helpless
but wasn't I always in control of my life for so long ?
In that moment, I would wish for so many things,
wish that I spoke to my mum a little longer,
wish I captured every single word my dad said,
and I would wish that I spent more time making memories and laughing uncontrollable with my loved ones.
With an aching stabbing pain, I would wish that I would've used my time more wisely,
that I - would have taken my Hifz more seriously, taking extra measures to seek the happiness of my Lord.
In that one moment, I would be wishing for so many things,
wishing I refrained from a lot of things but mostly
wishing I fulfilled so many rights that were upon me.
What If in a moment, your heart stops beating ?
in that moment what would you be thinking,
and how many things would be going through your mind.
Now what really is stopping you from those things,
fulfilling those rights and doing right to yourself and those around you.
Because at that moment perhaps I would be wishing that I was sent a warning,
perhaps I would be wishing that I would be told of that minute,
the moment when my heart would stop beating and I would cease to exist in this dunya.
But in that moment, it will be too late for wishes,
because indeed we have been sent many warners and warnings,
been told multiple occasions about this moment,
but when will our hearts be truly reminded.
I pray its not in that moment -
What if your heart stops beating in a minute,
while you are sitting amidst your loved ones,
engaged in your regular routine?
What would you have wished you did different or better before that heart stopped beating?