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Learning to let go

Unspoken Words

We realize the depth of a relationship when its finally time to let go,

We realize

how much of an impact that person has had on us, and how the littlest of things like being on FaceTime is what your heart yearns for.

The moment we acknowledge that there is nothing left to safe, but the remains of our heart is when we realize how easy it was making memories and how much work and time It will take to let go.

It is great to be selfless, to give and fill out other cups,

but like the famous quote goes " you cant fill from an empty vessel"

so there will come a time, or times like this, when you have to choose yourself,

when you have to decide to live intentional and fill yourself to the brim before anyone else.

Not all bonds are meant to be saved, and even If - that is the case,

you cant always be the hero, you cant be the one always saving and saving

because who then will save you in word where most will never stop to ask-

- if you too need saving -

I am still learning the art of letting go.

My Bestfriend once said,

" you seem to hold on to memories and how things were more than focusing on the 'now' "

and I do,

even if it means holding on to a nonexistent relationship,

even it means recalling memories we created when we were kids, even if it wasn't so great with you, at least there is 'history',

And I hate that for me, because

what is growth without change, without letting go, without stepping outside your comfort zone and facing challenges, without new experiences? what is ?

We tend to reminisce a lot especially when it comes to letting go,

our mind plays this 'remember when' game with us, and each day its a new memory of how much life was so much better with that person around. Suddenly, what we had was perfection and we are no longer sure if we can ever love or get a friendship that will mean as much to us.

We filter that multiple moments when it wasn't so good, all the moments that lead you here, that lead you to realize that its time to pick your self worth, get ourself together and walk away.

It was never roses and petals, and yes no relationship was built or stays in only ease but we fail to remember that the challenges we are willing to fight in a relationship has to be reciprocal.

The comprises we make have to be one that after some years pass by,

we can still look in the mirror and be absolutely be fine with the decisions we made.

I believe that in life there is the

'non negotiable and the negotiable',

the non negotibale are things that make you authentically you,

things that elicit something in you, - those you cannot comprise,


the negotiable are things, behaviors or habits that we can compromise.

There should be a balance, both parties should be compromising in a way

and thats why boundaries are important. - one thing I am definitely working on

I am still learning to let go, of people and things that no longer serve me,

of a love that is not reciprocated and very importantly - Effort - that is only one sided.

Letting go is definitely not easy, it could take years and even after that,

a few nights will pass and you will catch yourself crying, missing those very moments that meant so much to you yet wishing you didn't remember them.

letting go of someone doesn't mean they are bad, or toxic,

some very much can be, but In some cases, they can be pure souls whose journeys' no longer align with yours, it no longer serves you but only weights a little heavy on you whilst your striding on your journey.

Letting go is not easy,

but we need to learn the art of saying goodbye,

because not everything and everyone can be on our journey,

and remember

if you pack too much luggage while traveling , it will only slow you down,

so check your circle again, your romantic relationship, and maybe behaviors or things that are no longer serving you,

and let - go, so you wont stumble so much,

Let go,

find yourself again, love and nurture your entire being

and stride a little faster on your journey.

xx 'take care of yourself & choose you'


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