At the beginning of the whole corona virus issue, I did not think much of it,
honestly, it was a virus in china and that was about it.
Not much thought was put into this issue,
and at the very least the chances of this becoming a world wide pandemic was beyond my imagination.
I was going on ride of surprises, but I guess the rest of the world was seated alongside with me.
From schools shutting down and moving to remote learning,
workplaces closing and only essentials working,
economic activity drastically slowing down and the world put to a pause.
We are all seated in the back seat, confused as to what route this minute virus will take us next.
It has been a lot to take in, a lot had to change and so many of our plans cancelled or rescheduled.
A believer accepts whatever Allah sends down their path,
acknowledges it and walks through it knowing that
" Allah will never burden a soul more than it can bear "
Yet with acceptance comes with a change in attitude,
so take a minute and reflect and look at the bright side.
We have TIME!
With this 21st century's busy schedule and the constant moves and hurdles,
we never just sit down, take a break and work on ourselves.
the worlds biggest asset,
has been given to us on a silver plate !
I mean you are in the comfort of your home, could've been worst.
Honestly, jogging from lectures, having to work,
and then still having school work to do once you get home,
it becomes hard getting free time,
having time for yourself and working on things you want to achieve outside of school becomes a difficult task.
I would always pray for time, always wish I had enough time
my daily sayings were 'if I had time, I would do this, complete this, etc'
and now
Allah has blessed us with this opportunity,
Allah has given us time, ample time to work on whatever
but are we making the best use of this time ?
are we really doing anything.
Personally, I am struggling,
fighting with myself to be discipline,
having self control and discipline is one of our biggest problems as we grow into who we want to be.
With this free time, we could spend it scrolling through our apps mindlessly, binge watching movies, stay up late and sleeping all day, eating junk and just wasting time.
we could make the absolute best out of this time,
set some goals and smash them, acquire some skills,
just do the things you always said you would do if you have time,
because now you have time.
Its hard with our schedules changing and with this whole pandemic thing
but we have two choices,
dwell on the issue or take the good out of the situation.
Change can be so hard,
adapting to something different from your norm,
its all a struggle for most of us, but we need these changes to challenge us,
we need to be shaken once in a while and re-evaluate ourselves.
I know You Got This,
So have a purpose, a goal, have something to attain during this free time,
because who knows when next you will get this much free time to work on yourself.
Ps- As ramadan approaches, we no longer have school and for most of us we don't have work either, barely anywhere to go as we all stay home 24/7 during this lockdown. Please make use of this time, make this ramadan the best, use the time and read Quran and other beneficial books, seek knowledge, make your homes your masjid, and just increase and become accustomed to voluntary actions.
Thank you.
Wait! Feels like this post is for me😩 so guilty of this man. May Allah guide us all through
Wait! Feels like this post is for me😩 so guilty of this man. May Allah guide us all through