"Pray tahajjud, read more Quran and just try to be a better muslim"
Thats the statement that most people give when someone is going through rough times,
its like a prescription for muslims that are going through mentally challenging times.
There is this conception that someone with high eman or at least someone practicing and striving in the deen cannot possible be struggling with any form of mental illness.
And as much as I would love for that to be true, it just simply isn't.
honestly and truly, tahajjud works,
when your heart is so heavy and you chest so tight, and you run to your lord in sujood,
you stay there, cry to HIM and talk to Him about everything.
And wallah, at least I can attest, after you getup from that sujood,
you feel so light, your heart truly feels at ease,
truly Allah is the greatest. It is beautiful.
However, you can be practicing and striving and doing all that,
yet feel mentally disturbed, I have no knowledge but
personally I believe your spiritual aspect of your life does help your overall well being
but just like every aspect of your life is its own entity and you have to work towards bettering it.
Mental health is its own entity, different from your spiritual high or low,
and sometimes when you are mentally challenged with certain things,
that "prescription" works but a-times somethings that we are challenged with requires a different approach and prescription.
Just like in a pharmacy, everyone goes to buy their own prescription to use &
heal a "specific" sickness,
so, mental health should be regarded in the same way.
Usually things that trigger and challenge you mentally are things that weigh heavy on your heart, things that are of great importance and that requires you to actively try , be intentional in trying to heal from that.
Pushing these things, the thoughts, the flashbacks and expecting it to one day all go away, is not how this works.
some people are lucky and just like small cuts that dont require any dressing or care,
you just ignore it until it heals, in some cases that happens, your problems or issues somehow after a while just isn't a problem anymore.
However, everyone is different, cuts are different, wound sizes and our pain tolerance and threshold varies, so if you are hurting,
be it the littlest of things or huge traumas from your past that won't let you move on,
cater for it, release it, talk to someone, talk to a professional, journal, go to therapy or counseling, do whatever it takes to heal, don't bottle it all up because there is only so much you can contain.
Yes heartbreak is common, doesn't mean it hurts any less,
Yes family is important to you, but if you are from an abusive home, speaking doesn't mean you are turning your back on family, you are just finding a way to release that trauma,
Yes loss is painful, and grieve is needed but if you bottle all your emotions in hopes that you are staying strong, how long will you stay strong for ? speak up.
There Is just so much to talk about regarding mental illness,
it comes in different forms, and I just want you to know,
it just doesn't go away, it doesn't disappear without you actively trying to better your mental state.
To whoever, that is connecting with what I am saying,
" I want you to find peace within yourself, I want you feel happy and feel at home within your own self & body" - You deserve it.
And to you friend/sister/brother/etc
if anyone comes to you for help,
prescribe "tahajjud and Quran" but remember that is just a starter,
dig deeper and add to the prescription - what is needed.
what do you think?
does having deen mean you are happy?
want more talks about mental health?
let me know.
Drink lots of water & take care of yourself.