Topic- Four things I have learnt about social media
Truly we are in the era of social media and yesterday a wise woman said "we are just being introduced to this digital world and we will only see its repercussions later on". I concur to that statement a lot, definitely I love the digital world and the possibility it opens up but balance is the key.
Personally, four things I have learnt about social media are:
Firstly, it opens doors of opportunities for a lot of people, they are great platforms to put out your work and share it with the world, be it any type of art or businesses. Definitely the social media world has made startup businesses and portrayal of art way easier than it has ever been before. It has also made communication very easy, for someone like me who lives away from most family and friends, social media platforms have made it easy to stay in touch with them without much hassle.
Secondly, it is the platform that contains outpouring information, there is information on these various platforms about literally anything.
There is so much information, and the validity of most are uncertain which to a degree is scary. Certainly, it has made learning about alot of things easier, one can simply learn through live videos or post, quizzes on stories and attaining information has been made easy for us. However it has made us consumers of information, always taking information without fully grasping it accuracy and validity, it has made us hype to see the latest trends, latest information, and has us all hooked with a scroll.
Thirdly, for some it is mentally deteriorating. Generally the majority on social media post their highlights, their best moments, the smiles, brunch with friends, laughters and images which appear to be beautiful moments. I mean no one never knows what goes on after the camera goes off, yet so many compare their lives to these highlights. And with comparison comes negative thoughts and trying to get on a level you might even be above. Social media puts pressure on people, to be constant with posting and desiring likes from strangers.
A- times I see it as a big beautiful facade that nobody knows if whats really in the inside matches it.
Lastly, I learnt that the social media world or digital world is just beginning, and like everything it has its positives and negatives and as humans balance is our problem especially with things we love and enjoy. So I have learnt that social media requires balance but most importantly breaks. We are constantly consuming information, taking in and feeding off energies from people or posts consciously or mostly unconsciously and we fail to realize how much it can take a toll on mental state. So I have learnt that it is crucially important to go on social media breaks, go off the digital world for a while, focus on yourself, on what you consume and work on something else. Take time off and log off to be able to recharge.