What are the promises you make to yourself like ?
Do you keep them? Do you make sure you fulfill them?
how much importance do you put on them,
or are they just promises that you make but its fine if they are broken?
We tend to prioritize promises we make to others,
we are hell-bent on keeping those promises and fulfilling it,
we prioritize these relationships so much, be it romantic or platonic ones,
we value them thus we value our words and promises we make to them.
But everything starts with you,
your biggest relationship, the most valued one is the one you have with yourself,
no relationship surpasses that one, you are the most important person in your life,
so how come you don't fulfill the promises you make to yourself,
how come they don't matter as much,
how come you don't stick to your words,
how come you aren't being disciplined with your plans and what you want for you.
An amazing friend once told me
"if you cant keep the little promises, then how can you keep the big ones"
that hit, because I always believed little things, gestures and moments matter,
I value those but I am never one to be firm on my words when it comes to the little things,
so I when I told him " I keep the big promises fr" and he replied with that,
it hit....
For the big things to matter, you work on the little things,
little things, little progresses, lead to big ones,
so if we keep failing on the little things, how strong and willing will we be to keep the big ones.
It all starts with you, it starts with the conversations you have with yourself and what you tell yourself and how discipline you become to value the things you tell yourself.
It all starts with the little things, to get to the big ones.
So two take aways-
Actualize what you tell yourself, value the promises and words you tell yourself,
conversations with yourself, and the relationship you have with yourself are the most important. And lastly, remember " if you cant keep the little promisees, then how can you keep the big ones".
PS- a huge thank you to my amazing friend, who taught me this important life lesson, this post is dedicated to you .
Thank you for this. I needed to read this, because I was lowkey close to breaking a promise I made to myself. Love this❤️