I runaway from everything
I am a runaway kid,
Makes sense why I cant keep anyone
because attachments seem nice in the beginning,
its all fun and games
until the war starts, when I've to actually keep us together, keep communicating and then
I realize its time to run again.
I am a runaway kid
So I runaway from everything
I run away from my reality
I'm indulged in anything but what would bring back memories of home
I runaway because its all I know how to do
because home never felt like home,
friends never acted right,
relationships all played me.
So I run away from anything and everything,
I am a runaway kid with a sketchy past.
I am a runaway kid with a sketchy past
One that takes a little more than me moving on
One that hunts me in my sleep and wouldn't let me move on
Like taking my youth wasn't enough.
I tried to live but my living was never genuine with all memories that keep playing in my head
repeating with every blink of an eye
So I became this -
A runaway kid, I run from everything
I am indulged in anything but what would bring back memories of the past.
artistic and informative all in one 💕💕💕💕my fave piece!!