I want to know your favorite color, your favorite ice cream topping,
your dreams about the future, what you love doing,
I want to know your favorite shows and if you love long drives or prefer walks.
I want to know the little stuff you do,
the way you smile when you're doing things you enjoy,
how loud your laughter sounds, and how your face looks when you're annoyed or angry,
I want to know how focused you are when you're studying,
or how easily distracted you can be, how you can never stay on one topic
or how fast you talk with so much happiness when you are explaining what you love,
I want to know all the little things about you that make you happy,
all the things that annoy you but I also want to know more,
I want to know you deeply and be there not just for the happy moments.
I want to be right next to you hugging you during a mental breakdown,
or crying with you on the phone.
So I want to know more, I don't only want to know the little things
I want to know what scares you the most, who are you afraid to lose,
what memories still hunt you, whose lost haven't you healed from,
what trauma and open wounds are you yet to heal from.
I want to know how you are when you're angry, when you are having a mental breakdown,
when life hits you hard like a tsunami, do you curl up in bed and cry, or do you hide away in the laughters of others ignoring the void in you.
I want to know all the things that make you uniquely you,
I want to know about the things that you're afraid to even speak of, the fears that cripple you
and how you live life during tough times.
I want to know the littlest of things,
I want to pick on the little things that nobody knows about you, like if you squint your eyes when staring at someone or talking.
and the deep things that lie within you.
I want to know...