Why I started blogging ?
I started writing at a very young age, reasons I had no idea about back then, I was just glued to writing, it was my therapy, my comfort zone and I just wrote. My best way of communication was and is still through writing, I felt an instant relief after writing, and at a young age of cause I never really made sense or thought much of it. I wrote when I was happy, overwhelmed, angry, sad, hurt, disappointed, scared, whatever I was going through, it was in my little notes or dairy. And of cause writing down your feelings at such a young age, it was direct, it was blunt, it was always spur of the moment because writing always made me feel better. So by now you can obviously guess how much trouble I had gotten myself with my little therapy writing as a kid. But alhamdulilah.
Writing has been an essential part of me, one that I almost let go of, but oh well stories for another day.
So for the most part of my life, I wrote, on papers, in the middle of my notebooks during classes, on my phone notes, just anywhere honestly. I enjoyed it, I loved the art and as I grew I became interested and intrigued to learn more and to delve deeper into the different writing styles and approaches to this art. But I was always afraid to step outside my box, afraid for people to read my work, afraid of comments and criticism from others which I had received when I was younger for writing. I was just afraid to put my work out in the open and be vulnerable to the thoughts and opinions of others. So I kept my work hidden in my notes, saved on my iCloud, secured and protected away from the sight and opinions of the outside world, well except for some poor close friends and family members like my sister who had to unfortunately read or listen to me read my works multiple times.
I graduated high school and I was still in touch with my little therapy sessions,
but I was growing less and less afraid of judgements and more confident to let the opinions of others in, to let the criticism bounce back because I was learning that I needed that to grow, to fuel my work and to make me a better writer. That with a bunch of great support system I switched my instagram page to poetry page and I honestly got so much unexpected boost, love and support from friends, family, and a lot of strangers, some who are now good acquaintances alhamdulilah.
I write controversial stuff, I love to delve into topics that are so relatable to the public yet not commonly spoken about, topics we like to tip toe through, I write to connect with people.
I did get the chance to do a little of that on instagram but it was so limiting and thats where this amazing platform came into the picture.
I honestly started blogging to open more doors and delve deeper into the art of writing, I started blogging to communicate with others, to share experiences, to say the unuttered words that we are so afraid to speak of, to speak of the unspoken, to connect with you.
So my main goal of this blog, is to connect with you, be it through poetry, real life experiences, personal growth, the spiritual, physical and mental journey. This blogs main goal is to reach out to more people, to connect with different people from different backgrounds and lifestyles, its to delve into variety of topics and to grow with you.
I write so you can relate,
I write so we can connect,
I write to make sense of my thoughts,
I write the unspoken words of this generation.
Alhamdulilah for this journey and I cant wait to see where it takes us all.
If you have come this far, thank you so much, I know you were wondering when I was going to stop talking/typing, sorry for the lengthy piece. Thank you everyone, have a good day ahead.
@bint_ Omar J Allahuma ameen ! ‘May Allah bless your beautiful soul
Inspired ❤️❤️❤️
May Allah keep giving light to this spirit💕💕