I know I ghosted,
off my blog and social media but I saw ramadan coming and it was just the perfect chance for me to take a much needed break. Break of everything I was consuming on social media, the energy I was feeding off from people and even writing which is something I enjoy doing. I needed a break from it all, to just enjoy the month and work on myself.
But alhamdulilah, I am back and I promise to be consistent and give you more and better content, before my next break lol.
How was ramadan for you, how was the eman boost,
the beautiful and peaceful environment. I hope you benefited a lot from this month,
and I Pray Allah forgives us and accepts from us all.
Unfortunately Eid was spent indoors for almost all of us across the globe,
yet alhamdulilah we got to witness it.
So, Eid Mubarak everyone!!!!!
and for any non muslim reading this and doesn't know what eid is,
it is a day of celebration after 29/30 days of fasting in the month of ramadan.
Ramadan has gone guys ..
now we are left to battle again with shaitan for 11 months,
those nights of reciting Quran, the lectures you listened to,
the dhikirs, the seeking knowledge, everything we engaged in was preparing us,
boosting our eman, so we can keep pushing for the rest of the 11 months.
Don't let that go to waste, don't let everything you did go to waste, keep fighting,
keep fighting those desires, keep seeking forgiveness, keep putting more effort and don't slack, and even if you do, get back up and always turn to your oft-forgiving lord.
Don't give in to shaitain and temptations of this dunya.
He is working and plotting against us everyday but we are stronger, so don't let the efforts you put into the month go to waste.
Keep giving life to the night, recite Quran, pray, read, listen to lectures,
just keep going and yes we might not put in as much effort but we can't let ourselves go back to the same routine and lifestyle we left during ramadan.
We cant allow shaitan win, remember he is a sworn enemy,
so don't let him make you think, its okay to listen to music because ramadan is over,
its still not okay to gossip or backbite because its not ramadan,
sin is sin even after ramadan.
We cant go back, its hard, but nothing good comes easy and we know that,
its worth it, and thats guaranteed.
Imagine life as a race,
we are all at the starting line,
and the race has started, we are running as best as we can,
its a race to get to the finish line, you don't want go back to the starting line over and over again. You will never get to the finishing line if you keep going back.
We need to keep going, keep putting effort, keep struggling, there is beauty in the struggle and I promise it will be worth it.
We all are imperfect beings, struggling to please our creator,
Our Lord is the most compassionate and most merciful,
so lets keep turning back to him because with him lies success and eternal bliss.
" May Allah make it easy for us all "
MaSAllah ❤️❤️
Much needed reminder, thank you. We’ve missed you !!!!❤️