Somedays I feel lost,
there are days where I feel like a burden to those closest to me,
A-times I blame my existence, a-times I blame my sensitivity
and I don't know what the problem is,
but my brain and heart cannot simply accept the world as it is,
it's selfish!
I live in a selfish world
so sensitivity cannot be a way out for me,
softness is not what this world demands of me
selflessness is what I offer and that's not reciprocal.
I am tired of being hurt,
tired of being misunderstood,
tired of receiving less than I give
I am tired of caring for a world that does not care of my existence.
So I am choosing me from today,
choosing my existence,
choosing my goals, my dreams
I am choosing my happiness over yours.
Today it's me over you all,
taking care of myself first for a change.
love this <3 ! so proud of you
love this all the way ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️