" You need to put your full potential out there, a lot of people need to hear what you have to say" said my friend on a late night call. Her words resonated with me that night and I thought to myself after the call, that just maybe its time to stop limiting myself. I read an article on the internet about the statistics of people who get to reach their full potentials in this millennial times and unfortunately not a lot of us do. It stated " a lot of people are held back by too many things to be able to reach their full potential." I call it fear, its being scared to put out your best in the open and not knowing whats next, its being afraid to be vulnerable, and that fear is what creeps in me so many times. Its what holds me down, I am always too afraid to test the waters, so am mostly in the background cheering on people when I could be out there side by side with them. For someone like me I am afraid to be rejected, so I hide my work, my art stays safely secured in my folders, free from judgements and critics. But a wise man once said " if you have no critics you'll likely have no success" - Malcom X. So I thought to myself what really is there to lose? I pondered over my friends words and here I am today starting my first blog. Fears are to be faced and challenges are to be embraced, I cant remain hiding behind curtains and expect success to come my way. I need to put myself outhere and enjoy every bit of the journey.
So hello amazing readers,
I am an African child, a muslim my faith and a teenager who is living outside her country figuring life out, one step at time. I am a nineteen year old, a junior in college, a nursing major ( ps I just got accepted into the nursing program) and I am the fourth child of five children. I grew up somewhere in a beautiful minute country in the western hemisphere of Africa called The Gambia. I grew up in an extended big traditional mandinka ( a tribe) family and one can only imagine the beautiful moments and challenges it was growing up in extended family but I truly would not change any of it. My father an economist and my mother a housewife who engages in all sorts of trade, she loves it. I got accepted into my university when I was 16, I graduated high school and moved to live in the US with my siblings. Transitioning was hard, change is hard for me but nothing beautiful comes easy, so here I am. My faith is a very important aspect of my life and it has definitely been a big factor in my journey of growth and I am always grateful for that. Few things about me, I am an overachiever, I love art even though am I science student, nonetheless I love my sciences, I am book nerd, I love reading so much and I love writing. I could write for a living but I would rather save lives. I am talkative but am shy, I am an introvert who is only loud among people she knows. I love making friends but its hard getting fully comfortable around new people, I love public speaking but I hate speaking in public ( I am working on it ). I am an aspiring poet and writer, I am family orientated and I have a huge and amazing supportive family and friends that I should appreciate more. I love new places but I barely travel and I have to so much to share with you all. But I would end it here, I am an African Muslim teenager on a journey of self discovery, love and growth.
ps - I would like to keep my identity discreet for now, ( except you know me )
please like, comment and stay tuned for amazing content. Thank you.
Nowww this just got me💕💕 Alahuma bariq Aalaiki ukht
Allahuma Barik 😩❤️. I love thiss man! Keep writing more of these please, don't put the pen down!